
Acclaro and Retirees

As you near retirement, your planning needs change. You need to reassess your current situation and your goals, employ strategies to catch-up if necessary, fine-tune your insurance planning and begin to think about estate planning. In addition, you’ll need to prepare for the many important decisions that you’ll make as you retire – some of them irreversible. Many individuals start to realize that retirement as it was defined and lived a generation ago no longer exists. Today, 10,000 people retire every day in the U.S.A. alone, and no two retirements look alike. Clearly there is a revolution taking place regarding this momentous life transition.

  • Are you discovering that a satisfying retirement lifestyle is about a whole lot more than having enough money?
  • Is it difficult for you to choose what’s next for your life given all the possibilities?
  • Do you have a dream of how you wish to live in retirement yet don’t know how to begin?

Now is the time to take a fresh look at both your current situation and at your goals and plans in retirement. Although you’ve been planning all along and keeping some general goals in mind, more than ever before, you’re now able to paint a picture. Think about how you’ll spend your time, and what your needs will be for housing, healthcare, travel, continued work, entertainment, leisure, second homes, special events and purchases and charitable bequests.

The next step is to evaluate your current financial picture versus your goals through a detailed retirement plan. Then you’ll know if you’re in good shape, or if you need to do some catching-up in order to meet your goals.

Weigh your decisions carefully.

As you transition, you’ll be faced with a series of important decisions, and it’s important to do some research as it will have a significant impact on your retirement – and some choices may be irreversible.

Acclaro Wealth Management can help you work through some of the decisions you’ll face such as:

  • Do you need to reevaluate the timing of your retirement given current economic conditions?
  • Should you rollover your 401(k), or should you choose to annuitize it?
  • If your pension has a lump-sum option, should you take it, or should you select the traditional pension payments?
  • When should you begin collecting your Social Security payments?
  • How will you replace your paycheck?

Partnering together, we will develop a plan that will allow you to take powerful action steps toward building a unique and satisfying retirement life. Why settle for anything less?